About Us
We thank you for showing interest in products from Sanesa. It means a lot to us as Sanesa is our baby, our love and our life, all rolled into one. We do hope that we will be able to serve you well and be a permanent part of rest of your life.
Eating good food is amongst our most basic desires as well as need. We all go to great lengths to ensure that what we eat is adulteration free, trustworthy, healthy and tasty. We are sure all these motives are behind your decision to start buying organic food. We ourselves made the switch only 6 years back and there were a few instant differences we could notice.
Apart from other interesting reasons, our own experience of goodness of this food was a key reason why we chose to make it a mission to be in organic farming and organic food for the rest of our lives. From our personal experience, we can tell that there will be a few changes you will start noticing very soon.
Your food will start tasting better and truer. You will be able to differentiate the taste of one vegetable from another. And no, organic vegetables don’t always look ugly. Beauty is inherent in nature.
Organic fruits, allowed to ripen naturally like we do, will convince you on their own. Generally, organic fruits will have more flavours, aroma as well as sweetness.
Once you switch grains, oils and spices and start consuming almost everything organic, you will have less and less episodes of bloating, acidity etc and you will feel satiated with smaller portions as food tastes superior.
Below are few notes on our journey as well as how we do what we do and whats in it for you. In case, you wish to explore our range first, please visit our ordering menu page

The Beginning
When we began in the summer of 2017, farming is not what we had in our mind. Having been career bankers in financial and global markets, we just wanted to finance agriculture. We knew nothing about farming and 'organic' farming would be even more audacious. We just stumbled upon organic farming through a couple of chance encounters and got intrigued.
The Journey
Ever since, it has been a journey full of new experiences, and incessant experiments most of which ended in failure. What has kept us going all the while, is mostly the affection from a few loving customers whose trust overwhelms us even today. That faith gives us the courage to plod on when another experiment fails. Needless to say, these 200+ families that trust us and swear by us are the heart and soul of Sanesa Yourganic.
The Present
Today, we are a 30-acre farm about 100 km from Delhi near Panipat. We have grown or attempted to grow almost every vegetable and salad item, we have grown multiple varieties of rice, wheat, and other pulses and sugarcane.
From not even knowing the right season for many crops to where we have reached today, it has been a fulfilling journey. We are glad that we decided to farm ourselves and the one thing we feel quite sure of is we will continue to be farmers for the rest of our lives.

Our Sourcing
How we buy from other farmers and ensure authenticity. One product at a time approach to building supplies
As a consumer, you have a kitchen to run and you need a lot of different vegetables, fruits, groceries and other items. Different members of your family demand different food items to be arranged. All the stuff about farming and our joys is useless for you if Sanesa can not deliver regular supplies for family or if you need to keep looking for some items at different places. When we started Sanesa, it took us almost one year to learn various vegetables and their season in north Indian plains so we didnt source from others during this time as we were not sure of ourselves.
We also had no network of trust around us as we were in new environment. Although we knew very well by then that all the varieties that are needed or demanded by customers, can not be grown in one location and by ourselves alone. But before we started buying from other farmers, we wanted to ensure that the product reaching our customers is as authentic as the one we grow at our farm. When you see our range now, it may seem quite wide but it has been built very gradually over the course of five years, almost one farmer at a time.
First step always is that we will go and meet anyone we want to buy from. We will see their farm, meet their family, neighbours and other social sources of verification. Our first purchase from a farmer was 20kgs of ginger which took a 2 day journey to this farmer in Himachal and we followed our process regardless of value of transaction and have done since then. Second step here is that regardless of certification the farmer has, regardless of other people vouching for him, we will test a sample of what we have bought from that farmer. In very few cases. We do rely on farmer getting his produce tested to our satisfaction. At times, we would harvest something even before buying anything though this is not needed now. We call this – Trust but verify.
Some of our tests are available on website for you to see. Fortunately, since we have been rigorous, we haven’t had any issues of authenticity even in products that are high risk – eg., grapes. Most people do tell the truth when we meet face to face and explain how we buy.
We have remained focussed on building a network of trusted farmers across various regions and products. We have about 50 such farmers in our network now and spread across various regions. They have been met, their produce tested, verified and we have had relationships over the years to give weight to their opinions when it comes to seeking a new farmer. Adding new as well as credible sources, is much easier for us than it was in beginning as we have this network of trust with us now.
We absolutely owe it to you that whatever you buy from us is authentic and organically grown. We have been blessed with a lot of love from our customers in our journey and we would want it to be like that forever. We assure you of our commitment and care. We encourage you to follow the Trust but Verify approach when you buy from us. Getting products lab tested is not very difficult. Please do speak to us if you wish to test our products in laboratory. We will be happy to guide and share the costs of testing too.

How to
1. Place order on website.
3. From our outlet at B-217, Sushant Lok I, Gurugram and we will be happy to host you. You can also call or WhatsApp us at 91-9873-726372.
4. We prefer to collect payment at or after the delivery. Since weights of fruits and vegetables are not standard, amount that you see when you order versus when your billing is done, is mostly different. It is better to settle the amount in one go after billing is done.
5. We are based in Gurgaon so it is quicker for us to deliver to locations near us. Our usual guarantee for same day delivery is 12 noon for all locations. For South Delhi it is 2 pm. For Gurgaon, we are usually able to serve the orders received till 4 pm on the same day. Order beyond these times are served the next day.
6. Orders below min value of Rs. 750/- are served with a delivery charge.